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来源:初高中一体化  人气指数: 次  发布时间:2023年04月08日






初一4班 周迪睿


Without accumulation of reading, we can hardly succeed in any competitions. We should lay good foundation as a child. Reading is one of the most important things. My first library was clearly understood by myself when I was six years old. And then I had many achievements in the Star of Outlook Competition. So you will realize that why reading is very important. As the saying goes, a journey of thousand miles begins with a single step. Let’s begin to read.

初二1班 杨镇宇


First, truly love English and know the importance of it. Second, develop a habit of accumulating such as listening to English songs or learn some new expressions every day. Third, follow the English teachers’ advice.

初三2班 刘语成


Learn wisely and learn well. To learn English well, you should have a good knowledge of vocabulary, grammar and sentence patterns. Make full use of your time to practice as much as possible because practice makes perfect.



初一4班 陈佳贝


To learn English well, first you must be interested in English. You can do your English homework or speak English happily. Second, treat English class and homework seriously.

初一4班 李昕怡


Learning English requires memorizing and reading more, carefully reviewing and summarizing after class, expanding reading, and being good at applying one's accumulated knowledge to writing. However, the most important thing is to learn to persist.

初二2班 刘凯南


The key to learning English well is to make full use of every minute both in class and after class. A long journey can be covered only by taking one step at a time.

初二2班 余可儿


Learning English is a long-term process where we can broaden our horizons and develop our interests. To be successful, we not only need to learn knowledge from books, but also practice what we have learned in daily life.

初三1班 李卓阳


If you want to learn English well, firstly, you should treat English as your interest instead of a subject. More importantly, you'd better practice more and learn from your mistakes. Last but not least, ask questions when you have difficulty understanding. Remember knowledge comes from questioning.

初三2班 邓钗淇


I think English is like a friend. First, you should know more about her. Second, try to like her. Third, spend as much time with her as possible. As a result, when you have difficulty learning English, she will give you a helping hand.



初一2班 黄紫嫣


“Self-confidence is the secret to success”. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes when learning English. Always believe that you can do a great job if you spare no effort. And try to use what you have learned because practice makes perfect!

初一4班 熊谦宇


As a newcomer to Grade Seven, I am very happy to win the third prize in this English competition. As the saying goes, no pain, no gain. I will definitely put in more efforts and achieve better results in my future English learning.

初二1班 黄曼芯


Interest is the best teacher. Cultivate interest, let English into daily life, love English in study and life. Listen more, read more, and write more.

初二2班 查瑞英


Be patient and enjoy the fun of learning English. Always believe that "A merry heart goes all the way. "

初三1班 贺星睿


Learning is a lifelong journey because every day brings something new. Everything that you learn becomes a part of you and changes you. So if you put your sweat and blood into it, you can surely learn English well.

初三2班 刘昶


Reading aloud is my secret to learning English well. You can memorize the pronunciation and grammar while reading. Gradually, you will have a sense of language. And remember, Dont think too much. Just do it.

初三2班 左浏阳


Listening to the teachers carefully in class is the most important. And then review what you have learned in time and learn more by yourself after class. As the saying goes, Use it or lose it. So try to speak English and write in English more.


唐源锴     亿     李浩宇     温子暄          黄皓天     尹伊然

李梦伊     钱思羽   刀语舒                张洲瑞     曹钰涵

谢凯骏     胡榆姗   周妍希     林思颖         郑宇轩     李颖佳

陈轩祺     吴雨萱   蒋欣容     王梓琳          赵峻泽     白天睿

李智豪     吴雨霏   濮君益     刘袁梁萧       刘嘉琳     赖焰焰

官辰宇     王鑫瑞   曾子豪     刘梓岑         陈敏冉     邵源野

串桐妍     肖依扬   肖子宜     韩若瑜         蔡曾爱     杨莘泠

刘婉婷     黄艺嘉   许志豪     王诗懿


